This wine bottle we made for two people we greatly care for, even though we only know them via online and phone conversations, so far. Father Ciprian and Iuliana Salavastru, in the Arad county.
It all started with father Ciprian’s wife, who wanted a personalized wine bottle with the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, complete with two glasses decorated with crosses and monograms, as a gift for her husband’s birthday.
No sooner it was said than done – we made them, and precisely the day we were supposed to ship them over, the bottle suffered an accident during the photo shoot. We were miserable about it, we told her the bad news… but then, in the end, God wonderfully made everything work! As it turned out, in the meantime, Ms. Iuliana had changed her mind about the kind of bottle she wanted, except she knew that the first one was already finished, so she couldn’t think of a way to tell us.
So, we went looking for the type of bottle that she had described, and we found it! We then decorated it, and the final result is, we think, JEWEL-like!
It was a lot of work, truly, but the Saints Apostles made it all come together, so that it ended up looking exactly as we had pictured it in our minds.
Made by Iulia